The day 21-12-2012 is an important date for maya culture.It called “trece (13) Baktun”. 1 Kin is 1 day, 1 Uinal is made by 20 Kines, every 18 Uinals is a Tun. That Tun moltiply by 20 make a Katun. One Baktun is made by 20 Katunes. Now we are on the 13th Baktun, the count start on the 14-08-3114 a.c. and they mark that point, the 13 Baktun, as a change of era. That happen every 5225 years. The Mayas based them studies on the movements between sun and venus. The Maya calendar, in one year, is different by the NASA one just for about 22 thousandths of seconds. It mean, someting is happening.
I’m making some interviews, to every kind of persons lives in this area, theese are the questions:
-What you think will happen the day 21.december.2012?
-What you will do that day?
I think the answers are about this topic, but are also a mirror of the society.
Miguel Alpuye Hernandez and his dad. Sian ka’an, Punta Alen, Quintana Roo, Mexico. They are Mayas, I meet them on a bridge close to Punta Alen, they are fishermen. Miguel some time has to jump on the water cause the line was blocked on a stone, tere was a crocodile close to them, but he wasn’t hungry. I made them questions about the 13 Baktun:
– “Lot of people think that it will be the end of the calendar and the end of the world. But how can a calendar end? How can the world end? The calendar wrotten by the human being can end, as the same human being can end, but not the time or the world, theese things still exist, for ever.”
-“That day we will come here fishing, like every day”.
Michelle, Punta Alen, Quintana Roo, Mexico. She is from colorado, her father choose to go to mexico and open a small resort on the beach, she is so happy to live and work there. What she think:
– She belive in a change, a cosmic one, but she hasn’t so much informations yet about the topic.
-That day she will have a wedding, but she hope, after work, to have time to look at the stars. In the picture she is sitting on the chair where she would like to stay the 21.12.2012 night.
Mitch is from Los Angeles, he abandon that city to open a guest house in Belize city, I was a guest there.
-Mitch think that absolutely nothing will change on his life, but he feel that something is coming.
-That day he will sit on the balcony, looking on the stars, give a thanks to the cosmos and drink in his honor.
Denzel, Belize city, Belize. We have not talked much, but he answered my questions.
– “Lot of people think that it will be the end of the world. Well I’m so sorry but unfortunately that will not happen.
– ” That day I’ll stay here, if you wanna come bro!!!”
Antonio Beardall. Belmopan, Belize. He is an archaeologist of the institute of Archaeology of Belize. He is from England but he lives there since too much time, as he said, so he is Belizean.
– For the 13 Baktun he studies the change from an archaeological point of view, he is so exited about. He said that the planetary alignment is alredy done.
– The 21-12-2012 they will make a cerimony on the Mayan site called Caracol, in the south of Belize. There will be 200 persons and a shaman. They will stay all night long. Here the event on facebook.
Angel, San Ignacio, Belize, border to Guatemala. He was the first who told me about the 13 Baktun and explain me a bit about it, but he dosn’t know it well.
-“That day nothing will happen, it mean, nothing that we can feel fisically.”
-“The 21-12-2012 I’ll work, for my family”
King Hector, San Ignacio, Belizean border to Guatemala. He makes Maya handcrafts.
-About the 21 december he told me that just god knows what will happen.
– “What I’ll do that day? I’ll sell a lot of Mayan calendars and make a lot of money bro!!!”
Janet is a Mennonite, they have 100% german blood. They come to Belize in 1800 and still white and blond. Also them clothes are the same. They have a strong and old tradicion, that’s why them cakes are the best!
– “I’m scetic about every mayan prophecies. Ask to them, the Mayas, maybe thay knows.”
– “Witch day of the week it is?”
Martin and Rene. San Ignacio, Belize. They were selling on a side of janet.
-When I ask them about the 13 Baktun, they leaf a lot, and they told me that the “Gringos” maybe knows maya culture better than the same mayas.
-They will spend that day in the same way of the others.
Joseph. A rastafari of San Ignacio, Belize. 20 years of rasta
-He heard about a change, a new start.
-That day he will give love to the others like everyday.
Julie and Antoine. From French. I met them on the archaeological site of Yaxha’, Peten, North of Guatemala.
-For julie that date is an opportunity to change us as human being, in a political, enviromental and social way.
-The 21-12-2012 she will stay in Bugarach, France. A place with a strong energy, somebody think that if the world will end just there we will be save.
-Antoine think that nothing will happen that exactly day, maybe with time we will have a human being more concient. That day will be just a big party day.
-He will stay in Tikal, an archaeological site in North Guatemala.
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